security alarm for home

alarm systems for home

So happy. They are up front with the service they provide. According to the FBI, there were approximately 8,975,438 property crimes in 2012. Of all the property crimes, 23. 4% were burglaries. An estimated loss of worth $15.

monitoring systems for home

Also you will want to consider if you want to hire a professional service to monitor your home's security system as not all wireless systems will support such monitoring. Parks Associates today announced the new report IP Home Management Services in Europe, which focuses on the European market for residential home monitoring and control solutions, including an analysis of new channel entrants, vendors, and technology providers. This industry report provides a thorough analysis of the European market for IP based home systems and management services and examines business models for utilities, service providers, and security companies. "Adoption of broadband and connected devices provides conduits for many new applications into the home and different means to connect with consumers," said Tom Kerber, Director, Research, Home Controls and Energy, Parks Associates. "Overall, European consumers rank traditional security capabilities high among their preferred connected home features, followed by energy management features. The diversity of consumer preferences among European countries opens the market for different business models and channel strategies. "The report notes that energy management is very popular in Denmark, where electricity costs are high. In the U. K. , security and home monitoring are popular entry level features among consumers. Service providers can offer home controls solutions directly to the consumer or offer the services to a partner such as a utility or OEM, which then provides the service to consumers.